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living room with plush seating facing a fireplace with a smart home platform on the TV above it


In the age of Alexa and Siri, the dream of living in a "smart home" isn't a sci-fi fantasy anymore—it's reality. But as with all great innovations, there's a catch: choosing the right smart home contractor to work with for your project. 

From Clarence to Hamburg and beyond, we’re here for our clients. Unfortunately, we’ve seen a few DIY disasters in our extensive time in the industry. Below, we dive into common pitfalls homeowners experience and how to sidestep them. Keep reading!

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Holiday Fun: 5 Tips on Using Smart Lighting This Season


Here’s How to Use Home Lighting Control at Your Next Family Gathering 

The holidays are just around the corner and that means you have to start preparing for all of the extra foot traffic around your Williamsville, NY property. And one of the easiest ways to prep your spaces for the season is with a home lighting control upgrade. There are plenty of ways that smart lighting can transform the way your friends and family see your home. Don’t believe us? Here are five nifty tips on using your lighting control system for your next family gathering. 

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3 of the Best Emerging Home Automation Trends From CES 2018


Explore Some of the Growing Trends in Smart Home Technology 

Just as quickly as CES 2018 arrived, the annual convention of consumer electronics has ended.

Manufacturers and consumers from around the world converged in Las Vegas for four days from Jan. 9-12, reveling in the newest and most significant technologies.

So, what did Sound & Theater learn from this year’s show?

What are the most notable emerging home automation system trends we’re noticing for this year for Buffalo, NY residents?

Below, we’ll explore our takeaways from CES 2018. Simply keep reading to find out more.

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How Can Remote Access Improve Your Home Automation System?


Find Out The Benefits of Controlling Your Home From Anywhere 

Winter is well underway in Ellicottville, New York, and that means there’s no better time to enjoy the slopes at Holiday Valley than now.

But the spring and summer months are approaching quickly, and that means you might soon be away from your vacation home – perhaps for months at a time.

How can you ensure your property remains safe – whether you’re still in Ellicottville or perhaps hundreds of miles away?

We recommend obtaining remote access to your home automation system.

How exactly can remote access not only benefit you but also your property? Keep reading to find out!

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Here Are the Best Components of a Smart Lighting System


Find Out How You Can Benefit From An Intelligent Lighting Solution

Plenty goes into building a custom lighting solution.

At Sound & Theater, we’re always creating automation and control systems personalized to our clients’ needs.

Our smart lighting systems are no different.

If you’ve ever wondered what goes into an intelligent lighting solution, this is the blog for you.

Below, we explore three of the best components of our lighting control and automation systems that our clients in the Clarence, NY area love.

Just keep reading to find out more.

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Building a New House? Here's How to Give It a Smart Upgrade


What You Need to Know About a Home Automation System. 

Building a brand-new home is an opportunity to start fresh.

With a clean slate, you can provide your family with a house designed to your preferences – you can customize the features you want to include, from amenities to interior design and more.

As you prepare for your home construction project, it’s also an opportunity to integrate technology into your new residence.

And if you ever have been interested in a home automation system, it’s the perfect time to add this technology to your property.

Want to learn more about our home automation installations? Our services are available in Orchard Park and all parts of Western New York.

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Beat the New York Cold this Season with Motorized Shades


Ready for Winter? With this Smart Home Addition, You Will Be. 

Forecasts may predict a milder-than-normal winter this year in the greater Buffalo area, but that doesn’t mean we won’t still see below-freezing temperatures and lots of snow. How do you prepare for the cold here in Western New York? Blankets, hot chocolate, and lots of layers is a start. But add motorized shades to that list, and you’ll see benefits that last all year long at home.

In this blog, we explore how motorized shades are the perfect smart home addition to keep your space warm this winter. You’ll learn how motorized shades can benefit you during every season, too! Just keep reading to learn more.

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Here’s Why You Should Rethink a DIY Smart Home Installation


Leave All Your Smart Home Dreams to Sound & Theater 

Popular smart-home platforms like Google Home, Amazon Alexa, and Apple HomeKit are sparking a new wave of consumer technology trends that help make the home life easier. And at big-name stores, you can now purchase smart thermostats, smart surveillance cameras, lighting control, and more at affordable prices.

It seems like the array of consumer technology available would make it easy to create a robust smart home by yourself, right? If you think so, you might be asking yourself the wrong questions.

In this blog, we help guide you through the right questions for your smart home installation and discuss why you may want to hire a local professional instead here in the Clarence, New York area instead. That’s where Sound and Theater can help. Just keep reading to learn more!

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3 Advantages of Motorized Shades that Manual Shades Can’t Beat


Ditch Your Traditional Blinds & Drapes for Smart Shades 

Smart homes are on the rise largely in part to the convenience they bring to homeowners’ everyday lives, and motorized shades play a big role. Adjusting the blinds and drapes in your home is a daily recurring task, so why wouldn’t you want to automate it and save a few minutes for yourself?

Everyone likes to save time where they can, but motorized shades do so much more for you, too. Below, we lay out three unique advantages of motorized shades that traditional blinds and drapes just can’t beat at your home in the Amherst, New York area. Read on to learn more!

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Media Room vs. Home Theater: What’s the Difference


Determine Which Design is Best for Your Buffalo Home 

If you’re in the market to upgrade your home’s entertainment system, you may have heard the terms media room and home theater floating around. While these spaces are similar, you can think of a home theater as a private cinema and a media room as a sociably designed space in your Buffalo, NY-area home.

However you choose to design your home, Sound and Theater can consult with you before you buy any equipment or furnishings. We take enormous pride in our customer service and technical skills, have served the area since 2001, and will consider your family’s entertainment needs to provide a home theater or media room design that will last you well into the future.

Keep reading our blog to learn which home entertainment configuration is best for you and why.

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3 Exciting Ways to Increase the Value of Your New York Home


From Lighting to AutomationSmart Homes Offer Value  

Smart homes and Internet of Things (IoT) devices have taken the world by storm with a forecasted 63 million American homes adopting smart devices by 2022. Often, a single smart device serves as an entry product to more robust, connected smart systems that work seamlessly together.

There are many different smart home systems you can incorporate into your Orchard Park, NY home, including smart home lighting, motorized shades, and a full-fledged Control4 control system.

Keep reading to learn how these smart systems can go beyond increasing your comfort and convenience and actually serve to increase the value of your home.

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Outdoor Entertainment Centers: Go Beyond Your 4 Walls


Find a Way to Expand Your Horizons While Keeping Your Family Safe  

There are a lot of ways to keep your family entertained while staying home to protect their health—and that of your community. During the next few months, it will be tempting to stay cooped up inside all the time while finding a release in your favorite music, TV shows or movies.

Torn between a leisurely evening on the patio and watching the latest Hollywood blockbuster? Caught between getting a breath of fresh air and catching the latest Netflix release?

Outside or inside—a conundrum that has existed since the invention of the television and one that has only gotten more difficult with many forms of outdoor entertainment limited

You no longer have to choose. Bring these two fantastic entertainment settings together with a high-performance outdoor entertainment system that helps your family have much needed fun outside of the house

It's time to extend your entertainment beyond the four walls of your Clarence, NY home.

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What to Look for in a Home Network Installation


As electronics, technology, and digital communication become more important in our lives, so does the need for a robust home network. Your home network is your home’s central nervous system. It allows your smartphones, tablets, computers, printers, game systems, security systems, streaming platforms, and more to operate. However, it’s not enough to just have a home network — your home network needs to support all the devices and systems you have and make sure they run smoothly and efficiently.

Here’s what to consider for your home network installation for your home.

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