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3 Essential Benefits of Home Lighting Control


Brighten up Your Buffalo, NY Home 

One of the best decisions you can make when upgrading your property with smart automation is investing in a home lighting control solution. Lights don’t just help you see; they add style, security and savings to every area of your home. With a system intelligently integrated to offer one-touch controls of individual fixtures, multiple units and even entire rooms, you can take advantage of the technology to improve and simplify the way you interact with them. In this blog, we’ll explore three essential benefits of smart lighting. Read on for more.


Benefit 1: Beauty

The fact that the right lighting can make your home more beautiful shouldn’t come as a surprise. After all, without lights, you couldn’t even see your décor. But smart lighting takes beautifying your property to a whole new level, thanks to enhanced options and simplified controls.

With integrated control, you can easily create a lighting scheme that highlights exactly the areas of a room that you want to show off. Raise the lights in one area, dim them in another, and you can draw occupants’ eyes exactly where you want them. You can also enjoy control over the tone and temperature of each fixture, allowing for softer and harsher lights where necessary. And when you’ve selected the perfect setting, save it as a scene and return to it instantly whenever you want.

Benefit 2: Safety

How many times have you left a light on before you stepped out of the house at night? Not only does the light make it safer and easier for you when you get back, but it also helps make your property look occupied when you’re out. A smart lighting control system can do the same thing, but with far more versatility.

When you set your system to an away setting, lights can alternate between rooms to look as if someone is moving through the house in a realistic way. This enhances the idea of occupancy, even when you’re miles away. You can even integrate your motorized shades and AV system to play along, so no one will even notice you’re gone.

Additionally, you retain control over your system via smartphone or tablet. When you’re on your nightly commute, one tap on the appropriate button will light up the foyer and front walkway, so you don’t have to stumble over anything on your approach to the house. You can also set timers and sensors so your outdoor lights come on as soon as the sun goes down, providing a completely hands-free experience.

Benefit 3: Energy Savings

After your family and your home, your money may just be one of the most important things in your life. So why would you waste it on inefficient lighting? A well-designed system can offer huge savings on your energy bill, while also making a difference with more environmentally-sound materials.

One of the best ways to enjoy a more efficient system is with LED lighting fixtures. They’ll give you greater control over the beauty and security settings, and they also use up to 80 percent of the energy used to power them. Add that to their long life spans and biodegradable materials, and you have a system that works efficiently and saves you plenty of money.

Are you ready to enjoy theses essential benefits of smart home lighting control? Contact Sound and Theater today by filling out this form or by giving us a call at 716-632-2790!

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