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Articles in Category: Home Automation System Buffalo, NY

Sound & Theater is the Buffalo, NY area’s top provider in home automation systems. Learn how a smart home promotes convenience, safety, health, and more here!

3 of the Best Emerging Home Automation Trends From CES 2018

Explore Some of the Growing Trends in Smart Home Technology

Just as quickly as CES 2018 arrived, the annual convention of consumer electronics has ended.

Manufacturers and consumers from around the world converged in Las Vegas for four days from Jan. 9-12, reveling in the newest and most significant technologies.

So, what did Sound & Theater learn from this year’s show?

What are the most notable emerging home automation system trends we’re noticing for this year for Buffalo, NY residents?

Below, we’ll explore our takeaways from CES 2018. Simply keep reading to find out more.

4 Ways Your Home Automation System Can Boost Your Health

Let the Smart Home You Take Care of Also Take Care of You

As IoT and automation become increasingly prevalent in our everyday home and work lives, we’re finding ourselves living a more sedentary lifestyle behind computers and other technology devices. To make things worse, the studies often pair the advancement of technology with growing health issues such as weight gain and higher risk of diseases.

So, we’re going to set things straight for those in the Buffalo, New York area. Your home automation system can foster your health in several ways that others might tend to overlook, from air-quality testing to simulated natural lighting and more.

Let us give you the facts. Keep reading to learn four ways your smart home can boost your wellness and encourage a healthy lifestyle.

Enjoy Energy-Savings With A Home Automation System

Reduce monthly bills and lessen your impact on the environment

Home automation adds convenience to your life by allowing you to remotely monitor and control your Buffalo, NY home’s systems no matter where you are in the world. Convenience isn’t the only benefit, however. Utilizing home automation can lead to substantial energy savings and reduced electric bills. Gain more control over your home’s technology and streamline your daily routines. Read our latest blog to learn more about the energy-saving benefits of home automation.

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